Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Autumn... my favourite time of year

I just love this time of year when I feel nature's colours are at its best. It makes me feel like being a child again & running through piles of fallen leaves, scooting my feet scattering leaves or throwing big handfuls of leaves up high, only to watch them float gently down to earth again...
With the cool bracing air of the early morning giving such clarity to bright autumn leaves, as they lose their grip & flutter spiralling downwards in the breeze, forming layer upon layer of coloured carpet at the feet of the tree which once gave them life... 
I just love it!!!

These photos taken at Eastern Gardens, Geelong & Bright, Vic

Fall Ballet
In fall the leaves are dancing
In the newly cool, crisp breeze,
Tumbling, skipping, flipping,
As they throw themselves from trees.
Twirling, whirling dancers,
Give performances each day,
Floating gracefully to earth,
In a circular ballet.
And as they land together,
Making not a sound,
They form a comfy quilt,
For the hardening winter ground.
By Joanna Fuchs


  1. Ok... so now I LOVE Autumn... these photos are brilliant xxxx

  2. Love these photos Mum. Gotta love Autumn leaves. Who doesn't imagine dancing through these leaves in autumn, kicking them and throwing them in the air. If only we were children and this didnt look silly to those watching!!!! Who knows maybe even throw in an autumn leaf angel as well ;-)

  3. PS. my favourites are the water one and the leaves directly above it

    1. yes, love these too.... beautiful Bright!! Really worth trip there in Autumn, is spectacular!
